Small and cuddly or big and boisterous, they have a special place in our hearts as well as our lives. There have been many cats and dogs throughout my childhood and adult life. Some were more special than others and are remembered with love and laughter.
Most of them were mixed breed; a few were purebreds. Two beloved pets died just last year, within months of one another. One was a Morkie (Maltese-Yorkie mix) and the other was a Rotweiler. Their loss left a big gap in our lives.
My three-year-old nephew doesn’t understand why the little Morkie is no longer there to play chase with him around and around the dining table. Toto was nine years old, but she could still put on a burst of speed and outrun a little boy.
My nephew’s grandma now has a miniature poodle that really lives up to her name, Honey. She’s so quiet most of the time you don’t even realize she’s right there. At times she’s quite frisky, but still quiet. She loves a certain small teddy bear that belongs to my nephew and snatches it every chance she gets. She also loves to eat. I really enjoy the fact that she can eat like a horse and never get fat!
I’ve been searching online for something special for Honey. From my own gift shop I have a carrier in a warm pink color that would really complement her charcoal gray cuteness, but I don’t think she personally would appreciate that as much as she would enjoy toys and treats.
So, of course, I’m checking out my gift basket shopping sites—either to purchase or find ideas for making my own gift basket for Honey (and may include a little keepsake and a few treats for her owner).
As usual the containers caught my eye first. One is a white box with black paw prints all over it. Another is a bone-shaped edible basket. (A variety of edible containers are available.) A truly useful one is a decorative doggie ‘cookie jar.’
Then, again, since Honey is a poodle the Poodle Valentine's Basket might be a good choice.
Since Honey likes the little teddy bear so much, I may opt for the Valentine’s basket with chew toys and stuffed animals; it also includes goodies for the owner. Hmmm….one gift for two recipients….not a bad deal.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Honey and D.D.!
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