Monday, February 22, 2010

Making Your Own Gift Basket: Step Four - Basket Assembly

Building a base

First, create a ‘base’ with your choice of filler in order to raise the gifts for best viewing.

If you have a tall, heavy item, you will need to place it first in the basket bottom to keep the basket from tipping over; your filler would go around it. Fill in to just below the top of the basket, leaving room for shred.

In choosing your filler, keep in mind that it will need to support the weight of the items. (Shred will not be supportive enough. Even if your items weigh very little, most likely you would need a good quantity of shred as filler and that can get expensive.)

Filler Suggestions:

* Newsprint – wad it firmly, but not too tightly
* Floral foam or Styrofoam – cut to fit your basket
* Cardboard form – cut/fold a piece to make a platform or turn an old box bottom upside down
* Certain gift items, such as kitchen towels or baby blankets

Next, if you haven‘t used gift items such as towels for filler, you will need to hide your base. Most professionals use shred, making a layer no thicker than an inch. There is a wide variety of types, sizes, and colors of shred. Choose the one that best complements your overall theme, as well as your colors.

Shreds: (all of these can be found at

* Tissue shreds
* Crinkled shreds, paper or metallic
* Fine cut shreds, paper or metallic, mirrorized or iridescent
* Angel hair shreds
* Cello shreds (‘Easter grass’ for example)
* Wood excelsior shreds, natural or colored (‘straw’)
* Floral moss

(Other sources for shreds include local crafts stores, as well as other online crafts supplies sites.)

You don’t have to purchase shreds, especially on a limited budget. You can make your own or get creative with other things that would serve the same purpose.

The main purpose of the filler and the shred is to lift and stabilize the gift items for a pleasing presentation. Professionals prefer to place everything on a level with the top edge of the basket. This creates more excitement than just piling things down inside the basket.

Arranging the Contents

Now, you’re ready to arrange the gifts. Create a general placement, starting with your largest item, placing the other items around it to see how they fit, and rearrange to best effect, before securing in place.

Basic arrangements professionals use:

* Symmetrical (probably the easiest): the highest point is in the center.
* Asymmetrical: the tallest item is on the left or right.
* Or, if you want to have an actual front and back to your basket, the smaller items can be placed at the front and taller items at the back.

In both arrangements, you begin with the tallest item, followed by the next smaller sizes down to the shortest, a stair step effect. For the symmetrical, the items would be placed all the way around your center piece. The asymmetrical would flow from one side to the other.

Securing the items in place

If your largest item is seated firmly in your base or in the bottom of the basket, that’s probably enough to secure it. If you’re using a basket with a handle and your item is taller than the handle, it’s probably a good idea to secure the item to the handle. Curling ribbon would be the simplest way to do that. Use a neutral color or a complementary color. (Some professionals use floral wire.)

Position the middle size items, then tuck the smallest items between the side of the basket and the other items. Some can be tucked tightly between two items. (For example, in a bath or spa gift basket, use washcloths.)

Decorative touches can also be used to secure or stabilize the gift items.

[Unless you’re planning on mailing your gift basket, there’s no need for extensive securing of the items. You just want them to stay in place and look pretty when you present your gift.]

Decorative touches

Unless the gift items themselves are fairly decorative, such as pretty candles or figurines or stuffed animals, you should add a few touches to catch the eye. Follow your theme when choosing these decorative touches.

Decorative suggestions for inside the basket

* Silk flowers
* Small knick-knacks reflecting the theme or the personality of the recipient
* Ornaments (not just Christmas ones)
* Pretty wrapping paper on not-so-pretty packages
* Small toys or stuffed animals

A spa basket for a lady at Easter would be lovely in spring colors. Silk flowers, like daisies, could be tucked in here and there. A few baby chicks or a bunny would certainly be appropriate.

Just simple touches are best. Don’t clutter your space and take away from the gifts. That’s why most professional gift basket designers call the decorative touches ‘enhancements.’ They are meant to enhance the overall look of your gift.

Finishing touches and wrapping the basket (optional) will be presented in the next post.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Gift Baskets for Four-footed Family Members

Small and cuddly or big and boisterous, they have a special place in our hearts as well as our lives. There have been many cats and dogs throughout my childhood and adult life. Some were more special than others and are remembered with love and laughter.

Most of them were mixed breed; a few were purebreds. Two beloved pets died just last year, within months of one another. One was a Morkie (Maltese-Yorkie mix) and the other was a Rotweiler. Their loss left a big gap in our lives.

My three-year-old nephew doesn’t understand why the little Morkie is no longer there to play chase with him around and around the dining table. Toto was nine years old, but she could still put on a burst of speed and outrun a little boy.

My nephew’s grandma now has a miniature poodle that really lives up to her name, Honey. She’s so quiet most of the time you don’t even realize she’s right there. At times she’s quite frisky, but still quiet. She loves a certain small teddy bear that belongs to my nephew and snatches it every chance she gets. She also loves to eat. I really enjoy the fact that she can eat like a horse and never get fat!

I’ve been searching online for something special for Honey. From my own gift shop I have a carrier in a warm pink color that would really complement her charcoal gray cuteness, but I don’t think she personally would appreciate that as much as she would enjoy toys and treats.

So, of course, I’m checking out my gift basket shopping sites—either to purchase or find ideas for making my own gift basket for Honey (and may include a little keepsake and a few treats for her owner).

As usual the containers caught my eye first. One is a white box with black paw prints all over it. Another is a bone-shaped edible basket. (A variety of edible containers are available.) A truly useful one is a decorative doggie ‘cookie jar.’

Then, again, since Honey is a poodle the Poodle Valentine's Basket might be a good choice.

Since Honey likes the little teddy bear so much, I may opt for the Valentine’s basket with chew toys and stuffed animals; it also includes goodies for the owner. Hmmm….one gift for two recipients….not a bad deal.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Honey and D.D.!